We need YOUR help for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Please sign up to donate items HERE!
Attention SFE DADS!!!
We're collecting info in the survey below to determine a plan for 2023-2024 school year. We would love your input! It only takes 60 seconds to fill out!
Questions? Email SFESuperDads@gmail.com
Survey here:








Create Or Update Your PTA Account

It's important to create or update your PTA account so you can:

Join the PTA
Sign-up to receive important communications
Complete your account information - including your child's teacher
Sign-up to Volunteer
Make a donation


Leave Your Legacy At Shallowford Falls

Do you have a 5th grader this year?  Leave their legacy at Shallowford Falls by purchasing your legacy brick today!



One Team - One Goal - #TeamFox

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year, #teamfox!  As the PTA and Foundation work together as one team, with one goal, we are #teamfox!  It takes BOTH the PTA and Foundation to be successful.  Your PTA of Shallowford Falls Elementary School provides this website to help you stay connected with our school community.




Membership Tool Kit requires you to log in for certain actions on this site.  Make sure you are logged in to have the best user experience.

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